Can’t you find your system? No problem, we are able to help you with the administration concerning new integration and final interconnection.
Easy and fast digital signing of documents, contracts and tax forms.
Advance payment from the salary just by clicking within the application. Powered by PalmApp and Česká spořitelna.
Employee benefits, discount vouchers for culture events, sport or health care
Medical advisory, physicians and specialized medical department reservation in the phone
Employee satisfaction research , 360° feedback, Psychodiagnostics
Provides digital benefits for eating and leisure time that make happy more than one million people.
Anonymous trust box that complies with the whistle-blower protection law
Scheduling shifts and viewing of individual shifts schedules of employees in JOBka.
5-30% discounts in 10,000 stores and e-shops.
Audit and up-to-date overview of all things provided by the employer to the employee.
Payroll, canteen and HR system
Attendance, eating and access systems
Legal service for employees that can help them solve everyday life
Advance payment from the salary just by clicking within the JOBka application
You can view easily all job positions for your employees from within the JOBka app.
Chatbots and voicebots will become your loyal virtual colleagues.